With Benita Wolfe Galvan

The Anusara Yoga®️ Immersion is an invitation to deepen your yoga practice on every level. Experience the exciting possibility of a spiritual, mental and physical transformational  journey into the ecstatic core of your own heart. For an average of 33-36 hrs, students are immersed in focused studies of life affirming philosophy underlying the Anusara Yoga tradition, deep physical practice embodying the Universal Principles of Alignment™️ and stimulating conversation with other like hearted friends. (See the curriculum below)
Anusara School of Hatha Yoga Immersions are designed for all students of all levels, backgrounds, religions and ages to engage in the experience of your heart, mind and body.

You will deepen your yoga practice in ways that invite the recognition and engagement of the joyful nature within your self, develop the strength and flexibility through balanced application of the Universal Principles of Alignment in your hatha yoga practice and share thoughts on life with other seekers of Truth.

Traditionally the philosophy, storytelling and theory were given to the students before they were given the actual practices to awaken. Immersions will give you the foundation to spring your physical practices to the next level. You will be immersed in the empowering knowledge of the deeper aspects and fundamental teachings of Yoga, all of which provides the tools to engage worldly life skillfully from your own experience of the inner guide within your heart.

The immersion curriculum consists of a three-phase series totaling 100 – 108 hours and is designed to offer an entry level comprehensive understanding of Anusara Yoga.

Though the immersions are not designed to instruct how to teach, the completion of Immersions 1, 2, and 3 is the first step toward and required for Anusara Yoga Teacher Training.

Completion of the 100 hours of Immersion and 100 hours of teacher training will qualify you for you to apply for the Anusara Elements ™️ teaching license with Anusara School of Hatha yoga and also for the 200 Hour RYT Yoga Alliance teacher certification.

IMMERSION 1 – Path to the Ecstatic Heart

Anusara Method & Tantric and Earth Wisdom Philosophy
Core Metaphysical and Cosmological Principles
Universal Principles of Alignment
Study and Practice of Anusara level 1 syllabus Yoga poses
Adhikara (studentship) and Yoga Ethics
General Anusara Yoga Anatomy – Skeleton
Pranayama and Meditation basics

Required and Recommended Books for Immersion 1:

Master Immersion* Booklet – Anusara School of Hatha Yoga (required)
Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar (recommended)
Yoga Resource Manual – Darren Rhodes (recommended)

Other Materials for the Yoga Immersion

Journal, pens and books
Water, snacks, mat and sweat towel
Your own props if necessary (blocks, blanket & strap)
Access to internet / Zoom

About the Teacher

Benita is as an internationally renowned Anusara yoga teacher-trainer with 20 years and thousands of hours experience teaching Anusara yoga teacher trainings, festivals, and other events. She is the founder of HeartCore Yoga, Handstands Anonymous™️, co-founder of the Anusara School of Hatha Yoga and co-principle with Jack Harrison in The Celtic School of Yoga.
She emphasizes joy, therapeutic alignment and balanced action in her classes which are infused with experiential poetic wisdom of her Celtic ancestry and life experience. Her playful passion for yoga inspire in her students a revelatory transformation attuned to the Rhythm of the Sky, Earth and Soul. Benita has three grown sons and five grandchildren.
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“I feel like I’ve had a full body massage! I find it difficult to get deep into my practice without encouragement, I have been unable to find a teacher that nurtures me in this way, so thank goodness (Divine) for you and for zoom.” – Z.S. – UK

“Thanks a lot for your classes! I have enjoyed a lot each one of them. I am really grateful that I have access to this Zoom Yoga Camp! I feel the energy of the class as we are in the same room 😊 Your light is so bright. Nice weekend! I look forward to my next class” – N. H. Ecuador

Immersion Dates ONLINE Live

1. AUG 21 – 22 / 6 hours

2. SEPT 12 -13 / 6 hours


Saturday &Sunday

• Time and Hours will be 3 hours a day with 15 min lunch break

Aug  22 – 23  6 hours Zoom 11 – 2 Greek Time  / 9 – 12 Ireland

Sept 12 – 13    6 hours Zoom 11 – 2 Greek Time /  9 – 12 Ireland

For more info and registration:

0030 6977717724

Benita J. Wolfe

“She tried to remember that she was only a vessel of power, not the power itself, for the power itself came from the Goddess.” – Mists of Avalon

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